Sunday, March 3, 2013

How Educational Leaders May Use Blogs

How Educational Leaders May Use Blogs
Educational leaders may use blogs to have a record of their own thoughts and reflections on practices and issues that they seek to resolve.  Revisiting one’s previous thoughts can often help one to draw new conclusions or develop adjacent lines of thinking.   Inviting comments from others can often provide the missing puzzle pieces that an individual was simply unable to find. One person’s realization can give insight to another; as the process continues and others share ideas, all arrive at a common solution.  All ideas connect like links in a chain to arrive at the much sought after answer.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that revisiting previous thoughts can be very helpful. It is kind of like when you were a kid and you measure your height on the wall with a mark, then you go back and compare as time progresses. It also gives you insight to your mindset at that moment in time, and you are then able to evaluate how your thoughts and ideas line up now as compared to then.
