Tuesday, March 26, 2013

APPROVED Action Research Plan

This post serves as documentation of my APPROVED Action Research Plan for course EDLD 5301.


  1. If you wish to read my action research plan in its entirety, please refer to the previous post entitled Revised Action Research Plan. Thank you.

  2. We are currently 5 weeks in to daily recess and one thing has become glaring clear to all of us: as much as kids need recess, we need the time to give it. It needs to be a concrete part of our schedule - just as lunch is. We all feel pulled in too many different directions. The only teacher to go outside everyday is the kindergarten teacher. I've already missed one day completely. We only go out two days a week, and today we had 10 minutes inside. Yet, the students are very compliant and recess is a motivator. I just keep feeling that it should not be. Is lunch a motivator? We feed them because we MUST. Recess should be the same. Recess should be... the same.
